Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's really November...wow...October really went fast. It went so fast that i now have 3 late library books. ^_^' Don't worry I'm taking them back in the morning. Well technically it is morning so later.

I'm sure you've noticed the front page looking a little...plain. Well it's just temporary. I'm still working on things but soon you'll see things changing around. If you have any ideas for the main page please let me know in an email or comment here. Seriously if you have any ideas let me know and I'll see what i can do.

Hope you all had a great Halloween / Samhain. With permission I would like to share some pictures that Ryan (night_rayne) took that sound rather interesting. I haven't seen them yet but plan on it and I've heard quite a bit about them. However I have to ask him first and he's kinda hard for me to catch. ^_^'

Anyway that's all I have for you guys. Take care!


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