Sunday, August 30, 2009

I might be gone for a day or two due to computer complications. In other words I'm redoing my computer...yet again. -_-' Which is likely to take a while. I think I'll be switching mostly to linux but keeping windows in a small partition for things that wont run on linux. We'll see how that goes. wish me luck...the last time I had to re-do this thing i didn't think it was ever going to work and was trying to figure out a way to get a new computer without paying much for it...But that's a different story. Anyway ttfn

btw damon i replied to your comment in the previous post.



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Take me away Blue Tide

I adore this song. It's kind of peaceful. It's Blue Tide by Matt Ledford. He was an amazing guy for those that knew him. I don't know how long I'm going to leave it up so enjoy it while I do. "The anchor is up pull me to sea. It's been so long, smile for me."

There's not too much going on. Well a little but nothing too major. Last night there was some major doodling going on in Darkness. It was fun to watch. We have some really talented people in darkness. One person came in and just started doodling over everything that was there. I know they couldn't see it but that's still bad doodle etiquette. Oh well it happens I guess. Any way i'll post some pictures of what was doodled at the bottom.

In the mean time, I've been getting complaints about certain users breaking rules while I'm away and getting all kinds of screen shots. I don't really know what to do about it though. If no one's on to enforce the rules then no one's going to follow them. Very few people respect the rules enough to follow them when there's no one enforcing them. In a way it says something about them though.

I'm still playing with the html for below the chat. I'm having a hard time finding a place to host the iframes that xat doesn't have blocked. I"m not even sure the iframes will work though someone said they would. I don't really want to continue to mess with it if it's not going to work. However it was fun to get a little html practice in. I picked up a book at the library about it and it was interesting to toy with some of the stuff in the book. So for now rearranging the main tab of Darkness is on hold.

Well that's all I have for you guys for now. Thanks for reading.

Mana, Tyler,

Poi -unfinished version-

Thursday, August 13, 2009

insert catchy title here

Hey kids! What's new?
Once again I'm getting myself in WAY over my head but I don't care! I'm gonna try to mess with the front page of the chat a bit. I guess we'll see how that turns out later.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ahh confusion and rules

I've said this several times tonight...this morning...When I started darkness I never thought that I would have to write an essay about each and every rule to explain things. Now I know that I do have to explain things more because not everyone sees things the way I do and it doesn't do anyone any real good just to say "because I said so". So If there is a dispute in the rules. Whatever it is just don't do it until you ask me. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Monday, August 3, 2009

book measurements!

For those of you who wanted the measurements of the pages in my book. Yup this is for all one of you out there.

In inchies 8.25 x 5.25
or you could turn it sideways and double the 5.25 to 10.5
If you're not an inches kinda person you're gonna have to convert it yourself. :D If you're interested in sending me something for the book let me know!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

another post and no new comments woo!

I got a new router woo! It looks kind of like an alien robot thing lol. The flashing lights distract me. O.O must...stare....huh? oh yeah...I'm looking for a new ISP (for those that don't know it means internet service provider). But there's not much to choose from. There's comcast's broadband, verizon's dsl, ydail and bridgemax wifi and vaerious dail up providers. We have wifi right now and we would like something faster and less choppy. We can't get dsl in our part of the city because the wiring is too old or something. Comcast doesn't want to haggle with us and we don't want to pay what they're offering. So we're kind of stuck with wifi at the moment. Yay in cooperative bas...kets...yeah... let's go with that...

wtf is up with so many people popping out babies at once. It seems like all my female friends are pregnant or think they might be. @_@ Most of my friends are crazy...maybe a little less than myself but I'm not sure they should be breeding...I'm scared...oh the demon offspring they could have... x.x

On a different note... HI!!!! I'm a little hyper! I haven't heard much going on. A while back I got a call from bella about posting a stickam thingy bellow the chat. It might be a good idea but I have some requirements. It has to be a stickam account for Darkness that all owners have the password to. Only mods and owners operating it. Whatever music played or whatever is said has to be within darkness rules as much as possible. Try to play a variety of music. Not everyone likes the same kind of music ya know. I'm not going to post it on the main page. It will be in one of the other tabs. Does that sound reasonable?

that's all for now c'ya <3