Thursday, October 16, 2008

i'm not so good with titles

The last few days have been...interesting... A lot has been going on. My father might be losing his business due to technicalities but then again he's a smart guy he'll probably do something to get around it. It just seems that since the state is low on money they're targeting small businesses. There's probably about 10 others that have received the same letter from the state. We have to schedule an appointment to appear before their committee... yeah it's a bunch of B.S. really. If worse comes to worse we'll shut down and start a different business and/or go somewhere else. Money's tight though....we're barely making ends meet as it is....I'm dreading winter...My family and I are...fearing the worst but hoping for the best...If something should happen and I wont be able to attend to darkness, I'm sure Mana and Ethan would keep things running...But I hope things don't get that serious.

Today has been awful . Ethan and Nelson were fighting again...And I ended up having an argument with Mana...Then there was another attack from anonymous...By this point... I was pushed beyond my limits...I reset the chat and made it members only and left for a couple hours...It probably hurt the chat beyond immediate repair...I just didn't know what else to do...

1 comment:

Damon said...

Swift thinking with immediate action.. Sometimes you just gots to do what you got to do.. No regrets!
