Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm not dead

I'm not dead just a bit busy. I don't post here often because well it's difficult to post here sometimes. I want to post relevant and interesting things but I can't often think of that kind of stuff. Especially since there's like nothing going on in the chat these days. I've been thinking about adding the chat to my website but I'm not sure i have the web design know how anymore. They keep changing stuff!
I hope everyone is good! There is now a darkness group on facebook. Let me know if you're interested. Also, I post a little bit more often on my other blog. I share it with a friend. It's a bit more personal and there's also lots of other stuff on there if you interested then check it out.http://randomusness.wordpress.com/
Feel free to leave a comment on this post or email me at chibasakura121@gmail.com if you have any questions or anything.


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