Saturday, April 17, 2010

Early Morning/Late Night Update

So I've been meaning to update this thin for AGES and now I'm just doing a quick update while I wait for the post office to open. I haven't been on much this week. When I wasn't working I've been catching up on my reading. I have BUNCH of books on my to read list. I just finished 2 books in the past few books. These books are so good they're hard to put down. The ending of the last one was so good that I am now considering pre-ordering the next. It comes out next month and I'm finding it difficult to wait. In the mean time though I still have a bunch of books on my list of books to read that I already own. I don't really need to spend much time reading though. I have enough on my to-do list that I really shouldn't have been spending so much time reading. I haven't hardly spent ANY time reading though in quit a while till this week. I really should be getting back to reality.

I have to work on the first page of darkness. I got the new page up and live in honor of darkness being 3 years old. However it still needs a lot of work. I was going to re-add the wall of shame but I have lost it. I guess we could start over again but I don't think I could do anything as good as the old one. Maybe it's best to leave it out. The rule changes seem to be going over ok. I haven't had any complaints anyway. Apparently though there hasn't been many people on during the week according to a message that had been left. The last time I had been on though there were actually a lot more people than usual on. I was hoping things would be looking up and maybe getting better. I guess that's kinda hard to do when I'm not around. Or not. It seems kind of um....presumptuous? self-centered? I can't think of quite the right word for that to express that the i seem to have felt for a moment that it revolved around me which it does not. Egotistical? conceited? Yeah, that seems about the closest... I don't know. It's more about you guys and I've lost touch with some of you. I'm sorry for that.

For those of you that care about what's going on in my personal life, all n-one of you. It seems the drama is dying down as far as I can tell. I've had a drug addict move in and right back out of my house. It had only been about a week or two. I honestly hadn't thought it would last long but hoped it would. He was at least going to school while he was here. I'm sure though, that he was only off the drugs for a few days, if that long. I keep waiting for the call that he's been arrested...or worse...But so far thankfully it hasn't happened. Anyway that's enough personal info you guys don't really care to know. I have a letter to finish writing and a trip to the post office...

Take care kids


For your entertainment dancing with the star wars stars 2008


iDamon said...

Post office huh? Interesting.

Sakura said...

Yup Yup!