Tuesday, May 12, 2009

madlib bordom madness

Mad:)Glibs - free online Mad Libs
Letter From Camp
Dear uncle skip,
I am having a(n) annoying time at camp. The counselour is tiny and the food is tall. I met skank and we became smelly friends. Unfortunately, skank is bishy and I farted my gina so we couldn`t go sleeping like everybody else. I need more houses and a cat sharpener, so please raunchily secksing more when you lurk back.
Your hobo,

Mad:)Glibs - free online Mad Libs
Greetings, Earthlings!
In the book War of the condoms, the main character is an anonymous house wife who records the arrival of lions in center of the earth. Needless to say, havoc reigns as the lions continue to hump everything in sight, until they are killed by the common tv.

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