Last day of November. What did I do this month? Not a whole h3ll of a lot...Well nothing I didn't already tell you I was gonna do. I got my ACT scores back, I went to watch Twilight, I took my friend out for pizza, I took my lil brother out to see a movie, I've been trying to find a second job, thanks giving was okay, and I'm sure you really don't want to hear about all this but too dam bad!
As for my ACT scores they weren't that all.
Speaking of money, I've been searching for a second job. I haven't been getting to work much at all at my current job though I am still employed. My pay check is hardly worth the paper it's printed on these days. Money's tight all around here though. So I'm trying to help my family though at the moment it's not going so well. With Christmas coming up it's gonna be...complicated.
As for past holidays Thanksgiving went a bit better than usual. I think there wasn't as many people as there usually is. Also, my brother was there even though he said he wouldn't be after the fight he had with my father. It was nice.
I went the the movie theater twice this month. I usually go once a month at best b/c it's expensive but i made commitments to two ppl that I would go with them. I went to see Bolt with my little brother b/c he got an A on his first report card. It was a cute movie and I think he enjoyed it. As for being drug off to Twilight...I can't say it went as well. If you're a crazy Twilight fan who actually liked the movie then stop reading this paragraph now. It was LAME!!! The effects were lame, the dialogue was lame, and some of the cast was lame. ugh! The "number one movie in America" isn't that good. So what does that mean? I like the plot of Twilight more than the actuall book and movie. I could go on but I'm done ranting for the moment. I just hope this whole Twilight craziness blows over soon.
There was a concert this month that I regretably missed. I would have loved to have been there. It was a concert celebrating the release of the new Punisher movie soundtrack. A local band, 7 Days Away has a song on it. It's a big break for them. They deserve it too. They're really good. I wish them best of luck with this advancement in their music carreer. They have a couple music videos but the live videos are poor quality so try to look for the actual music videos it think there's 2. They're a great group of guys. I went to highschool with several of them. (there's one on my xat profile, it's the one on the left) I'll post the other video bellow. They also have a myspace if you like them show them some love.
In Darkness news...nothing new really. I'm going to change the background and such soon due to the fact it will no longer be fall. I'm not entirely sure to what but I'm going to be looking for ideas. I think I'm going to be adding new a rule. No begging for xats or subscription days. I don't mind sharing but when ppl who have never even been to Darkness show up a for xats and/or days (which happens a lot) it's really annoying and fustraiting too everyone else. I automaticly ignore ppl who are out begging for xats and days. So just don't do it.
That's all for now. I'll try to post again soon!
1 comment:
It's sad that the main actor (Thomas Jane) didn't do this "Punisher", I read he just didn't want to or something but that is just a rumor like always. I never got into this "Twilight" craze and all it's hype, just not taste of Vampire story line. Underworld is coming out soon, it's better but then again still the actress "Kate Beckinsale" won't be returning, too bad because she is hot! My thankgiving was great, being tired as usual and it's all the turkey's fault. I think there should be more than just those new rules you planning on adding. Having annoying kids talk about rape and sex is just stupid, they should get kicked or warned it's not human being like but then again that is just my opintion my parents raised me better.. haha.. stupid kids.. Good detailed blog as usual Sakura.. See you soon..
- Damon
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